This morning I woke from a very brief and colorful dream of one of those wing back chairs.
Covered in green plaid fabric. So I decided to consult the dream interpretation site as follows:
To see a chair in your dream, symbolizes your need to sit down and take time out to contemplate a situation before proceeding. Or you just need to relax. Alternatively, it indicates that your feelings or ideas are being dismissed or cast to the side.
To dream that someone is offering you a chair, suggests that you need to be open to taking and accepting advice. Nope no one was offering me a chair. It was just there.
Hmmm, I don't find that particularly alarming, I LOVE to contemplate situations for proceeding and I LOVE to relax. Ah........relaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax.
Craigslist..for sale..60 thous books for 15 thous......I wrote you a longer note but do not know if it was recieved!!! I want to live on the coast, any openings in Dietary????? 60 thous books would make a nice dent in a bok store! Pray you are well and having fun, Carol Way
If I had 15 K I would open the store and build collection from trade ins. You never know when there will be an opening in dietary. Go to the website and look around.
New hospital coming right along.
Lots of houses for sale, there is a real wreck just across the street for 50K. Druggie house, needs to be burned to the ground, make a great parking lot. R
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