Thursday, June 10, 2010


A guy wakes up in the ICU unit. He is hooked up to all sorts of intravenous lines,
blood pressure monitors, heart monitors, oxygen mask, machine are beeping, lights are flashing.

He asks the nurse, “Are my testicles black?”

The young nurse is taken aback a bit and stammers,
“I’ll have to ask the head nurse, sir.”

The young nurse finds the floor supervisor and relates the conversation.

Floor supervisor goes into ICU and asks the patient if she can help.

He says “Are my testicles black?”

Floor nurse said, “Just relax, sir, and I will check for you."

She flipped back the blanket and sheet, turned up his hospital gown,
Looked him over and replied,”No sir, your testicles are not black.”

The patient looked at her, reached up and removed his oxygen mask and said,
“Are my test results back?”

Get well, Justin.


Anonymous said...

:) Best wishes to Justin. ICU can be heaven. Hope it's for him.

Jennifer said...

That joke is funny!

Anonymous said...

I needed the laugh, thanks a lot.... :)