Here is a picture taken from approximately the same spot of the very large pretty yellow weedy thing. I noticed a couple of days ago that some unknown entity (Probably the City of Coquille because it was blocking the road) had removed the weed in its entirety and left a modest hole. You may also notice that that weed was obscuring the for sale sign for that rather nice looking old house across the street. I like it but it has OIL HEAT.
Tonight I watched "Happy Feet", the digital picture about a misfit born into the society of Emperor Penguins who sing but who do not dance. Mumble dances, he cannot sing. Ultimately he goes on a journey to try to figure out who is taking all the fish from their waters. He returns a hero after some strange adventures. The music and dancing were a joy to watch.
I think your bro was right, looked like it was scotch broom bush, a VERY prolific weed reportedly brought to this area way back when to decorate gardens. It found a perfect environment. When you come visit us you will see areas that have been clear cut that are solid patches of scotch broom. According to oregon.gov "It is estimated that Scotch broom costs Oregon $47 million dollars annually in lost timber production." Was that more info than anyone wanted? :-)
There's a lot of scotch broom here as well. We have one that likes to grow right in the middle of a large bush that we have. It's weird.
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