I found the original recipe printed in a Sunday edition of the Anchorage paper that came to Barrow a day later. That recipe called for two pounds of breakfast steak and a cup of shredded sharp cheddar cheese. I have changed a few things over the years;
2 pounds ground turkey
1 green bell pepper roasted
1 yellow bell pepper roasted
1 red bell pepper roasted. Roast, seed and chop the peppers, set aside to add later.
1 chopped medium to large onion
2 tbsp chopped garlic
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 cup chopped tomatoes or can of tomato paste cut with a cup of wine (I like White Zinfandel)
1 whole chopped jalapeno pepper, take off seeds and membranes to cool the heat level.
I have found that freezing them actually changes the heat quotient so I chop one whole frozen one.
1 can black olives, slice in half (checking for pits don't cha know)
Mix separately 1 cup corn meal in 2 cups water, add one container ricotta cheese, blend well, add two eggs into the mix and blend well. Set aside to be mixed in with the browned turkey and vegetables and seasonings.
One package frozen onion rings.
Brown the turkey, add chopped onions, chopped peppers, garlic, olives, can of tomatoes or paste cut with wine, once this has mixed together well you can simmer a few minutes in order to do a quick wash up of dishes. Add the corn meal, egg and ricotta cheese mixture to turkey and veggies.
Pour combined mixture into a large casserole dish. Bake in 350 degree oven for 40 minutes. At 40 minutes top with bag of frozen onion rings and bake another 20 minutes. It cooks up a bit soft and sets up very nicely the next day. Makes your house smell wonderful which also drives the kitties slightly nutz.