It snowed ALL DAY at 100 feet above sea level. Great big fat flakes,that fell for a good two hours and then off and on all day. They were so wet you could stand outside and hear them plopping wetly on the ground. It has continued to snow most of the day. The pretty parking lot got tore up pretty slushy fairly quickly. If this keeps up the school district will declare a snow day because no one knows how to drive in wet slushy snow. I even took a 10 second video on my camera but have no idea how to load a video onto the blog. At least we won't have to shovel it off, twill melt soon and the neighbor kids snow fort will thankfully melt as well.
The wind blew all of our snow away, but according to the forecast we will get some more. I think this put an end to the drought talk for this year. Hope the dam holds.
Weather update: It is over cast, I see some blue sky up there, it has snowed off an on this morning and a couple of nurses driving lighter weight cars had to park at the bottom of the hill and schlepp up....and school is closed here on Coquille. Very quiet this morning.
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