Sunday, December 16, 2007


Announcement; if my email to you went astray, I am no longer going to be mailing or sending as an email attachment any version of "The Coquille Diary". I re-read the thing for 2007 and decided that there was way too much whining going on and the boredom level was such that I didn't even want to edit the thing. Since I have joined the blogging community, I can at least post pictures and brief (Probably not brief enough) vignettes of life in Coquille. Topics for discussion anyone?


Gale said...

After visiting Coquille and noticing the lack of is probably better to go green and keep the trees that we have. Not that I don't kill a couple square feet of the Amazon forest myself. I'm just saying.
I like the blog much better.

Anonymous said...

We have lots of trees BUT if you go to Google Earth you can see all the clear cutting and it ain't purty.

yoo hoo said...

I've always liked your Diary, and looked forward to it. Perhaps that is why I like you blog, I get it more often. Thank you!