Monday, March 10, 2025




The International Whaling Commission established the amount of strikes each village can have each year. These meetings usi annually in a diverse places as Jordan.

One spring a whale was struck. The telephone system collapsed with the volume of calls. This is always a time of celebration. Anyone who can goes to the beach to help haul in the whale. A larger caterpillar using an O ring hauled the whale to the edge of the beach. Everyone rushed to help pull it in further. Daphe Perez was there. She was married to Pedro Perez one of the hospital doctors. She volunteered with the Girl Scouts and had a mile wide smile. There such a cute couple, holding hands and they had two teenagers a boy and a girl.

Tragically the O ring snapped and whipped into the crowd. Three natives were killed outright and Daphne was struck in the abdomen. They got her to the R in time for her family to say goodbye. It was a horrible day. Francis, one of the ladies in Medrec gave her little girl a middle name of Daphne.

Pedro loved to take his family to the Taj Mahal where Mumtaz was the Shah's fifteen wife who died trying to bear hilm another child.

Dr. Perez is working in Seldova. He is a very nice man.

Monday, March 3, 2025




I love to take classes occasionally.  The teacher for literature lived in my building and was kind enough to have the classes in downtown Barrow. 

The first class was about Frankenstein. We watched the most recent film starting Robert De Niro etc.  It was very good. At the end of the class we were challenged to write a sequel.

My was titled Big Man.  Frankenstein was last seen in the book as he jumped offith a group of Inupiat fishing him out of the water.  He was burned badly. Soon he was awake, eating and thanking them.  He recovered nicely and learned to hunt. They returned to home The Place of Owls now known as Barrow or Utkiagvik.  He married and the first few children were all named after peole in Switzerland. The rest had native names.  His journal is still held in the archives of the Barrow History center.  

The next story we read was a short story about the Third Bank. A woman asked the priest to bring her husband back who was missing.  He could not do that.  Had not left in a canoe that held only one.  We finally figured out that he had died and could not return. So the third bank was death.

Finally we read Love In The Time of Cholera by Marquez a nobel prize winner for literature The book was only six chapters a great deal of description.  I got the the fourth chapter as I was reading I got a strong sense of Deja Vu.  So I began back tracking until I found a duplicate paragraph.  They were on a steam ship and the paragraph was exact.  I was encouraged to write to the author to ask of the duplicate paragraph was an easter egg.  I never heard from him and have never read any of his other books.  I someone has read One Hundred Years of Solitude and found a duplicate paragraph please me know. Thanks.