Sorry about the lengthy absence. First of all, my medical adventure then it was Covid19.
First major thing was when Tim dropped me off at Bay Area hospital for a dialysis appointment.
They would not let him come in even to use the inside toilet.
He was directed to a PortaJohn. He was incensed! Although he did tell me later that the toilet paper was luxurious. In his bathroom ratings, Porta Johns rank as equivalent to third world squat slot toilets.
Next occurrence was visit to wound nurse for my brand new shiny cardiac pacemaker. The lobby window had a box marked clean pens and an empty one labeled dirty.
The bank experience was interesting. We went to get a durable medical power of attorney notorized. The bank official had the lobby locked. She opened and let us in. Tim was incensed that he had to sit six feet away. I sat at the desk. Lady looked the document over and witnessed my signature. We left triumphant.
The local Safeway store had a sign, 96 maximum customers at once. We shopped and exited on the other end, which again disturbed husbands normal shopping pattern. There was a lady in full PPE greeting us. That pretty official.
The gas stations have been granted an order to allow patrons to pump their own gas. Big Woo. Would rather have some else do it as I have not voluntarily pumped my own gas for decades of not centuries.
Today we will drive to my doctors office for an appointment. We sit there and call the number, someone brings out a tablet and we shall commence. There should probable be a patron saint to communications.