Monday, October 14, 2024


Let us start at the vry beginning.   John Montague the fourth Earl of Sandwich loved playing whist so much that he did not want to leave the table for a meal in the dining room.  He had a servant put meat between two slices of bread so that he could continue playing.  I hope the meat was nice and juicy held in a linen napkin.  I am sure the mayo, mustard, pickles, lettuce and tomato came later.  Captain Cook also named the Hawaiian Islands after the Earl.  

When Richard and I were kids, we stayed at Grandma Berglunds house.  We were picking fruit at a nearby orchard.  Grandma B made sandwiche for us.  We stopped picking about nine am and discovered that the sandwiches consisted of bread, may and sliced spring onions.   

Then when Dad was working on the Hells Canyon Dam, we lived on Pine Creek.  Mom made peanut butter and grape jelly sandwiches.  We called it grease sandwiches because it resembled such,  Mom gave us Pepsi to drink.  If you got it just right you could peel of the mixture from the room of your mouth.  

My favorite sandwich became a hot Pastrami with mayo and dill pickle spear.  There was a deli near Fairchild and I loved to stop in Sparks for the Pastrami there.  

One time Mom and I stopped in eastern Idaho close to where the Hole In The Wall Gang hid.  It was late, they had pastrami and I ordered one.  Turned out to be a fried ham sandwich but I was hungry at ate i as well.  

I really enjoy Reuben sandwichest; there are a couple of variation, Corned beef with Russian and Pastrami with Thousand Island and the usual Swiss cheese, saurkraut on rye. Then grilled.  I like to visit a place down town.  I orered a Reuben and she told me the following story.  When she worked at another place a few years ago the special was Reubens.  A group of five came in, four men one woman.  They all ordered Reubens.  Sorry, all out of Pastrami.  She had thin sliced ham, would they like that instead.  Oh, she made the ham reubens and set them out.  The woman, Karen, started complaining that the ham was too salty, she didn't want hers grilled, it went on an on.  Finaly my friend snapped, "I hate you, Karen!"  There after whenever the men came in, they would order the I Hate You Karen sandwich.  

I forgot about the happy accident BLTT I made when Charlie and I lived on the ranch.  One day I started to make lunch and I did  not have bread.  I did have tortillas.  So I fried bacon, dragged the tortillas through the bacon grease.  Added tomatoes, lettuce an mayo to it and it makes a nifty BLT.  Yummy!!!

Monday, October 7, 2024



When I lived in Barrow, Alaska, the local college would offer free course.  I took on about literature.  The instructure lived in my building, I gave a small old book written by Daniel Defoe titled, "Travels with a Donkey".  I am certain he invented an early version of the sleeping bag.  

When I lived in Barrow AK, the local college offered free classes.  The instructor lived in my building.  I gave him a little old book by Daniel Defoe titled Travel with a Donkey.  I am pretty sure he invented an early version of a sleeping bag.

At any rate, the class was local and very interesting.  We first watched he original Frankenstein.  We also watched a later edition starring Robert DeNiro as the monster. At the end of the class we were challenged to write any we liked about Frankenstein. I wrote a sequel titled "Big Man.  The book ended in the Arctic, seen as an exotic local circa 1812.  The ship burned however Frankenstein escaped to an ice floe.  He used the salt water to heal his burns and ate what he could catch from the sea.  A party of Eskimo hunters found him and decided to take him home with them.  He recovered and soon learned Inupiaq and shared meat.  He once drove off a polar bear with his roar.  Eventually they returned to Utkiagvik (Barrow).   No one minded his scars, many hunters were worse off.  The children loved him for he was very tall.  He married and named the first five children after his victims back home.  After that his wife named the rest of the children.  His leather notebook labeled Victor Frankenstein still exists where it can be found in the local library. 

Then we were introduced to Latin American authors.  We read "Love in the Time of Cholera" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.  It has six chapters and is about a courtship between two young people.  As I read it in the fifth chapter one of the paragraph sounded very familiar.  I started looking backwards.  I finally found a duplicate paragraph in the second chapter.  The paragraph was identical.  They were on a steamer along the river, it described the surroundings perfectly, the sounds, the smells.  I was puzzled.  The teacher suggested I write a letter to Marquez,  I did so,English and Spanish.  I never heard from him.  I have often wondered if he wrote other Easter Eggs in other books but I have never read them.  Has anyone else read them and if so did you find any Easter Eggs ?  

Then we read a short story titled "The Third Bank".  It was about a grieving woman asking the local Priest to find her husband.  He was astounded.  She reported that he left in a single person boat.  She begged the priest to bring home.  The priest told her that it was impossible.  We were supposed to figure out what really happened.  Someone suggest that the man's one person boat was actually a coffin and he was dead and could not return.  

My friend, Patrick Pendleton participated in a murder solving thing, He had a lot of fun.

Monday, September 16, 2024


 Numbers and I have always had a love hate relationshiop.  I had to repeat eighth grade general math.  Ugh.  I remember knowing my numbers as a child, my Aunt Ollie had me ask Central for three numbers but I kept reading the numbers on the dial.  In the first grade, we had a test write out number one through ten.  I remember asking a classmate how to make a six.  Later on when learning to read a clock, I always got them backwards.  The only times I performed well at math was algebra felt like telling a story only with numbers.  I got a good solid B for Geometry because I typed up the theorems using blue and red ink. As far as checking accounts are concerned, always remember the bank decucts before it credits, therefore you may NOT have enoiugh money in the bank to cover that thrice bounced check.  Um hmmm. Fortunately, Kindle does math like a genius.  Thanks Alexa. 

Monday, September 2, 2024


 Bus Rides I have taken.  When I was little Dad was working in eastern Oregon.  For some reason Mom needed to return to Emmett.  I think she may have been pregnant with Richard.  So Dad put us on a Bus to Ontario.  I remember smelling the very strong smell of onions.  Moms parents probably pickes us up in Ontario.  I do not remember if we took the bus back. Dad probably came and got us.  

During school there were lots of bus rides.  One of the more memorable one was the bus driver pulled over so we could listen to one of the Freedom Seven flights.  The other more memorable one was to attend the 1965 A1 basketball championship in Pocatello, we won and I screamed myself hoarse.  Lots of fun. 

Next was a bus rideMare Island To Reno, Nevada.  I was to meet Sue my first roommate.  The ride was memorable in that a drunk couple got on, got drunker, argued and were kicked off the bus somewhere along the highway. Got to Reno an met a handsome cousin of hers who had hemophila and took factor 8.  

The next bus ride was the summer I moved to Petalum.  I took the bus from Petaluma to Santa Rose to enroll in the college.  I was not working yet so did not attend.  I wish I had after I started working.  

After I married I was asked to be escort on Vickies senior trip.   We went to Disneyland although it was not long after the big quake.  We saw freeways knocked down. The driver got us there and back and did a very good job.  I had forgotten that there were very few places to sit down in Disneyland.  

The last bus ride was when I decided to go back to Idaho.  I borrowed two hundred dollars from Tony and gave them a beautiful seascape.  The bus ride was uneventful I cauhgt the Grayhound in Philo and rode it to Novato.  Over all the buses seem to attract odd folk.  But an inexpensive way of travel.

Monday, May 27, 2024


 Today, I was thinking of all my relatives who served. Great Uncle Al served in the Coast Guard.  His brother Isaac was in the Army.  He got the flu around 1918 and died.  They are both buried in St. Cloud, Minnesotta.  Charlie Berglund did not serve during WWI or WWII.  He stayed at home, farmed and raised his family.

My father served at a Volunteer and was in Alaska, Kodiak and Matanuska valley.  My Uncle Carl was in the Air Force and served in Japan. Uncle Paul was in the Air Force.  My first husband, Mike, was in the Army in Viet Nam and discharged with schrapnel and a Purple Heart.  My present husband, Tim, served in the Air Force and was mainly in Texas.

My Mother's brother, Tater, was in the Army and served in Europe.  He was wounded and recovered in England and hated English food. He helpe free POW camps.   Grandma Horn showed me the telegrams from the Army and his Purple Heart. 

My husbands Father, Vester, joined the Army in 1943, he served in Hawaii as a medical corpman, which is a close as a Seventh Day Adventist can get to being a military objector. He spent some time in the brig for refusing to pick up cigarette butts on Sabbath.

My brothers, Richard and Phil both served in the Navy.  Richard spent two terms in Viet Nam; once on a gun boat in the Mekong and a second one as a Dog robber.  He loved the sheer chicanery of that job.  Richard stayed in twenty years.  Phillip was in about fifteen years.  He worked on Raytheon equipment then and when he left the Navy he worked for Raytheon and traveled to Spain and Italy. 

Gentlemen, thank you for your service.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

OWIES 2024

Well, I have learned a couple of things due to recent events.

Last Tuesday, I turned wrong at Davita and extravasated.  The needle punched into tissue and was very ouchie until the maching was turned off. Got immediate swelling of right forearm.  I was taken off about two hours early.  So Vicks Vapor rub applied to bruise works surprisingly well. Heparin will be held until this coming Thursday.  Now it only itches and is UGLY!

Then last Wednesday, I got a can of beans out of the large drawer.  I turned backward to it to push it shut.  My lovely wool socks were no good.  Gravity won, I crashed my right hip on the edge of the drawer.  Tim and Carolyn got me up.  Plans were made to empty that large drawer and put goods in pantry. I now have left over quart jars and lids are now stored in that drawer.  I have to add several more canned goods to the pantry from the cupboards below the microwave.  Yay!!!

Also Phil called today to march me one more time to replace printer driver. Viola!! It now prints, Now I can blog and print to my hearts desire.  It is a good day Thaank you brother !!!

Sunday, December 31, 2023



I had a nice chat with family members over the holidays.  I called Richard a few days ago at Davita.  We rebuilt most stories and then some. 

He and Cathy have been on a few quad adventures above Riggins.  They watched a herd of elk through a surveyors tran both he and Cathy saw Dad at their kitchen table a few weeks after Mom died.  He was holding a cup of coffee with a Berglund grin on his face. They have also seen some of their older dogs that are visiting them.  

When I talked with Aunt Wanda she said that when Grandpa Berglund died, Paul was driving along some where and saw him walking along the road.  She also smells Pauls after shave. Awwww. 

I told him that Mom told me a dream she had about a year before she died.  She dreamed that her parents  came to her apartment and told her to pack they were leaving. When she woke she found that her suitcase was packed.  

Richard told me a dream where he was walking along a sandy beach on a Caribbean island while drinking a Corona. Guess what he found in the pantry the next day/ A Corona? No, footprints in the kitty litter.  

I told him the story from the retired Navy Seal.  He helped the Coast Guard with a sunken submarine with drugs.  I asked him to tell me something I would never guess.  So, he reported to San Die;go for submarine school.  He walked around to get oriented.  At the corner of one of the building was a very tall, very old palm tree.  It was planted in 1915 by Teddy Roosevelt during his second term as President.  

Richard replied, I got one for you.  A general was reporting to command a new Naval Base.  He inspected the troops and noticed that two seamen were guarding a bench.  He asked what they were doing.  Standing Guard.  Why. We do not know, General.  He was curious and started asking previous base commanders what they knew about the bench.  No one knew.  He finally contacted the fifth commander and when told the story, exclaimed.  "Isn't that paint dry yet?"  We talked about tatoos.  I told him about the nice tech who got a gorgeous red and blue octopus on her back and left arm.  She showed it to Scott a temp and he said he had a rooster on the back of his calf with a noose around it's neck.  Um, why? That is so he can ask, "Would you like to see my cock that hangs below my knees?"  I have since learned that Richard has one as well as Rocky.  Definitely a guy thing.  Yesterday the same young lady said that there was a new gentleman patient.  They talked about tatoos and agreed that some men got tatoos on the tool. Ouch.  She said she had seen one where the guy had racing stripes.  The man replied that if he got a tatoo of a One hundred dollar bill he could ask, "Would you like to blow a hundred?"  Again a guy thing.  I suppose women could do the same, Tatoo of an arrow above pubes that says "Insert Tab A into Slot B".  Erk.